Sep 28, 2024
Is your barbecue the best? Car Show/BBQ Competition/Tasting!
PigOut and Car Show
Is your barbecue the best? Car Show/BBQ Competition/Tasting!
September 28, 2024
Sat 10:00am - 3:00pm
COME ATTEND THE PIGOUT - BBQ and over 50 Vendors  - $5 entry to the public.  Under 12 FREE!
BBQ TEAMS that are INTERESTED, please call Missey at 706-346-0503.
ALL teams must enter the Boston Butt category - that fee is $100.
For 2 categories (Boston Butt and 1 other) - $200
For ALL categories - the fee is $250.
TEAMS MAY SELL items that the items in the categories they compete in to the public!
a. Pork Barbeque: Pork is defined as Boston Butt, Picnic and/or Whole Shoulder weighing a
minimum of 5 pounds. Present this category chopped/pulled/sliced/diced as the cook sees fit.
Teams must submit enough meat for 6 judges to taste. Garnish is optional.
b. Pork Ribs: Pork Ribs are defined as Loin back (baby back) or spareribs only. Country
style ribs are not permitted. Submit 8 bone-in and cut ribs. Garnish optional.
c. Brisket: Brisket is defined as whole Beef Brisket, flat or point, weighing between 6 – 10
pounds. No Corned Beef is allowed. Submit 8 slices - 1/2 in. thick. Garnish optional.TEAM REGISTRATION
Application must be paid with application submission
If accepted, booth fees are non-refundable.
You must pay via the LINK below before your application will be considered.
Rain or shine event - Setup Saturday from 7:00 - 8:00 am OR Friday between 1:00 - 6:00 pm.
Electricity is NOT available - QUIET GENERATORS ONLY, please!
FOOD VENDORS that plan to sell BBQ need to register as a TEAM above. Â We will NOT ACCEPT food vendors that sell meat! Â To register as a FOOD VENDOR - you must be selling NON-MEAT items (nuts, jelly, deserts, etc...)
VENDOR PAYMENT - Arts and Crafts
Pay at the Gate - You can also fill out the paperwork on site!
Rain or shine event - Car show entrance will open at 8:00 am, and Awards at 2:30 pm.
The price to enter a car in the car show will be $25 the day of the event.
Have you ever been told that your barbecue is the best around? If so, here's your chance to show off your cooking skills. In September of 2007, the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) of Cave Spring, Georgia, presented the first barbecue cook-off competition called the "Cave Spring Pig-Out."On Friday night of the competition, teams will bring their fresh Boston butts, ribs, beef brisket, sauce ingredients, and cooking equipment to Rolater Park and begin preparations at their site for all-night cooking. The competition meat will be judged by a professional panel on Saturday morning. Also, on Saturday, tasting and voting for the Peoples Choice Award will also be given. Â We usually run out of tasting barbecue, so "first come, first served."Trophies and cash prizes for 1st Place ($300), 2nd Place ($200), and 3rd Place ($100) in the professionally judged categories will be awarded. A People's Choice Award will also be given.