Located in northwest Georgia in Floyd County's southwestern corner, Cave Spring lies at the western end of beautiful Vann's Valley. The city is a mere five miles from our neighboring state of Alabama on US Hwy 411, which was originally an important Indian trail from ages past. Nestled between the sheltering hills creating our wide valley of rich farmlands, mineral deposits, abundant clear spring waters, creeks, and a major river traversing the area, those who early found their way here were quickly enamored at the sight of the intrinsic beauty of this special land.
City Profile
Incorporated: 1832
Population (2020 Census): 1,200
Total area: 3.4055 square miles

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Nestled in scenic Vann’s Valley, named for a Cherokee chieftain, the City of Cave Spring was established in 1832 by settlers of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. The town was named for the limestone spring which produces 2 million gallons of water daily inside a cave in the center of the village.
Churches were begun as soon as houses were built, and in 1838 the Cave Spring Baptist Church appointed an education committee with the purpose of establishing a permanent school.

Historic Schools
Classes began January, 1839 in a store building owned by Armstead Richardson. Two months later the education committee purchased 200 acres of land from Mr. Richardson, and a little later bought 480 acres from G. Wynne. Part of the land was cultivated by students at the Manual Labor School, and part of it was sold in lots and was part of the town of Cave Spring when it was incorporated in 1852. The school was named the Lott Hearn Manual Labor School in 1856 after Mr. Hearn bequeathed a $12,500 endowment. Later the name was changed to Hearn Academy and is now used for special events.
Cave Spring established the first public school in Floyd County, and was a STEM Certificed and a designated school of excellence at the Pre-K and Elementary levels. The school closed in 2022.
The Georgia School for the Deaf was founded in 1846 by O. P. Fannin with four deaf students who met in a one-room log cabin. When Fannin Hall was erected in 1848, the number of students had increased to fourteen. The establishment of this school brought new life to a helpless and hopeless segment of our society - deaf children.
The school was closed from 1862-1867 due to the Civil War, during which time the Confederate and Union forces used Fannin Hall for a hospital. In 1997, the City of Cave Spring purchased the original Deaf School Campus from the State of Georgia for $178,000. In August, 1999, city offices relocated to Fannin Hall, and the old City Hall building was rented to private individuals. Today the GSD campus on Perry Farm Road is the setting for excellent educational preparation for deaf students and multiple-handicapped students.

All Aboard!
The construction of 137 miles of railway by the State of Georgia in 1841-1850 from Atlanta to Chattanooga provided new means of transportation to the area and had a great impact on its growth. In 1868 there were plans to connect Selma, Rome and Dalton, and in 1880 the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway built the depot. Later Southern Railway sold the depot to a private individual.

Rolater Park
A very important day in the life of Cave Spring was October 23, 1931 when Dr. J. B. Rolater deeded 29 acres to the residents of Cave Spring for their enjoyment. In the early days local residents were allowed to tour the cave free of charge, and out-of-town visitors were charged ten cents. The natural beauty of Rolater Park and the historic buildings provide enjoyment to every visitor.